środa, 29 lipca 2015

Banki ,konta, pożyczki



polecam kazzdemu kto szuka konta a chce je sobie przedtem porownac,wszystko jest czytelnie napisane wystarczy poszukac :)

sobota, 13 października 2012

Life of the school

In school undoubtedly are certain rules that do not apply anywhere else but when it comes to life of the school is already a completely different issue. Each school has a "life of its own," which is a kind of unique and original.Not because the schools are different of profiles of teachers and students but  that every school has its own climate. According to me, to a large extent it depends on the architecture of the school, it location and how to treat another human being both teacher and student administration and support staff. Each school in its own way is unusual and has its own "life", the atmosphere, and I think it is a very interesting phenomenon.
Thanks :)

środa, 10 października 2012


Sport also plays a very important role in my life. I like sport and I try to practice it often. With all sports my favourite is football. I interested in him from early childhood. My favourite football team is FC Barcelona. I like this club because in this team plays my favourite players: Lionel Messi and Andreas Iniesta. This team has also fascinating history. But football isn't only sport which I'm interested in. I like handball I love volleyball and I like basketball.
Sport is relaxe me make my body stronger and when I'm running I can think about important things in my life.
I think that who don't like sport and don't move at least 2 times for a week sick more often.

piątek, 5 października 2012


Music is very important in my life because  when I listen to her I can sail in a dream in the wide world like a paradise on earth , music de-stresses me , music is part of the me and music can also evoke different memories. Personally, I listen to rock, punk rock, alternative rock and metal. Most people treat this music stereotypically, for example, that metalheads and their music is a tool in the hands of Satan,  that songs of rock and punk rock bands encourage smoking and persuade to take drugs. But this is not true!! Music and rock songs are often about respect, lack of human compassion, and generally about things that often wonder young and older people.
In 21 century young people generally listen to Techno , Hip-Hop. I don't like this music style but I repect that whos listen this.
Finally I quote thing of Coroner "You can walk away from your family,  accept the end of existence, you can say goodbye to life, but it is the hardest to say goodbye to music."

Politics in Poland

Politicians in Poland aren't respected, mainly because they take a lot of money for little work effectively. I also have no respect for these people because their decisions are often not logical and strong financially by other people. According to me, members of parliament because it is too much to pay so much money per month 460 members who are at the meetings often .. sleeping or playing with tablet... Politicians often argue , criticize the other side, This is bad for the image of politicians and people lose confidence to everyone.
I do not like politics, so I finish my post today.
Thanks for attention :)

środa, 3 października 2012

Interesting places in the world

On all the world are many , many interesting , amazing and beautiful places and to describe them all, needed a lot of time so I explain only my favourite three places.
First place which I want describe are Easter Island. This Island known mainly due to the mysterious stone statues but I would like to draw attention to the fauna and flora of this Island which are very , very poor. A long time ago on this Island live many animal and plants but probably there were killed by ... rats.
Every year the island is visited by over 30,000 tourists !! I think that this is very mysterious place and worth it to go there.
Second place which I  describe is USA. I think that USA is beautiful and interesting place because has amazing architecture especially in New York and Chicago. USA  also has an interesting history and that culture is a mix of many nationalities because as we all know the U.S. created inhabited by settlers from all over the world but but together forming a whole.
Third and last place which I decribe is Jamaica. I want to describe information about this place because it's amazing , beautiful  place where  time passes slowly , people are more friendly. Jamaica is also known from the fact that it is the home of reggae music and ... cultivation of marijuana.
Places which I describe are amazing and  and in the future I would like to visit at least one of those places.

wtorek, 2 października 2012

cities of english speaking countries

In the twenty first century in many countries the primary language is English. I think that this  phenomenon is caused by globalization but not only. In many countries language english is primary because it  has always been.To countries where English was the primary always include, among other : Wales , Scotland , Canada ,
Australia. But today we talk about cities of english speaking countries. .  At the beginning I'll write about capital of Canada Ottawa. Ottawa is the capital of Canada from 31 December 1857 fourth largest city of Canada. Ottawa is a small city and English is the native language for 62.6% people in this city.Second city that I would like to describe (even short :)) is the capital of  Scotland  Edinburgh. Edinburgh is the capital of Scotland from 1437 year!! In this city are many monuments : Holyrood Palace , Edinburgh Castle , Princess Street Gardens and many more... 

Thanks :)