piątek, 5 października 2012


Music is very important in my life because  when I listen to her I can sail in a dream in the wide world like a paradise on earth , music de-stresses me , music is part of the me and music can also evoke different memories. Personally, I listen to rock, punk rock, alternative rock and metal. Most people treat this music stereotypically, for example, that metalheads and their music is a tool in the hands of Satan,  that songs of rock and punk rock bands encourage smoking and persuade to take drugs. But this is not true!! Music and rock songs are often about respect, lack of human compassion, and generally about things that often wonder young and older people.
In 21 century young people generally listen to Techno , Hip-Hop. I don't like this music style but I repect that whos listen this.
Finally I quote thing of Coroner "You can walk away from your family,  accept the end of existence, you can say goodbye to life, but it is the hardest to say goodbye to music."

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